The bee
Every individual bee is animated by a (unconscious) life force, but the swarm in its entirety is steered by a (conscious) soul. There is a soul that simultaneously steers all the members of the swarm of bees, as a result of which the bees function in a highly coordinated way.
A life force is a lower form of consciousness than the soul, a life force gives life to the body of the bees, but it is not conscious. It is the same consciousness that gives life to a plant. The bee species that don’t live in swarms, function on the basis of this life force, just like other insects.
Although every single bee has a life force that gives life to its body, the actions of the individual bees are steered by a coordinating soul. The individual bees are not conscious, it feels like they are cogs in a network. The one who steers the network is conscious (i.e. the soul that steers the swarm of bees).
In the picture above, the bee’s actions are steered by the coordinating soul, which also steers the other bees in the swarm. It is the soul that knows where the nectar is and that steers the bees to get the nectar out of the flowers. It is the soul that has the knowledge of how a bees’ life goes and that steers all the individual actions of the bees, in order for the swarm to function in its entirety. I can sense a stress in the soul that steers this bee. The soul that steers the swarm of bees has difficulty maintaining the swarm, having the swarm survive. This has to do with the diseases of many individual bees, which has to do with a poisoned environment (for example, because of pesticides).
The ant
Every ant has a life force, and the colony is steered by a coordinating soul. Just like the bees. But the life force in the ant plays a more prominent role than that in the bee. The ant’s life force plays an important role in the perception of the environment (even if the life force is not conscious), just like with other insects.
Moreover, there is a soul that coordinates the actions of the individual ants.
The individual ants in the picture above are not conscious. Both of them are steered by a soul that is conscious, and that coordinates both of their actions, and that simultaneously steers the actions of the other ants in the colony. The powers of perception of the life forces in all individual ants helps with that.
The soul that steers these ants is happy and enjoys life.