Psychic abilities are the result of subconscious energies present around the person/soul. When the energies are suppressed by patterns (blockages), there are no psychic abilities. When these energies are released by the breaking down of patterns, releasing energies in the process, psychic abilities are acquired.
The following picture represents three patterns that suppress three kinds of energies of psychic abilities required to be a ‘soul liberator’. These energies are: energies for the perception of patterns, energies that enable someone to work on deep layers, and energies that enable one to simultaneously work on various people. The energies are literally stored underneath the matter that the patterns consist of.
The next picture represents the matter of the patterns being crushed, releasing underlying energies in the process. The matter of the patterns is transformed into some kind of energy (a different kind than the underlying energies).
The same principle applies to abilities other than psychic abilities, they result from subconscious energies. When you lack a certain ability, then the energies responsible are suppressed by patterns. Abilities are acquired by having the patterns that suppress these abilities destroyed and by having the energies responsible for these abilities released. It usually takes longer to acquire abilities than to improve personality.
Intelligence is also the result of energies that surround a person/the soul and not of the lifeless matter that is our brain. For example, when you have a technical aptitude, then a free energy in your subconscious mind is responsible for this aptitude. When you don’t have a technical aptitude, then these energies are suppressed by patterns imposing a lack of aptitude for all things technical. When the patterns have been broken down and the energies for technical insight have been released, a technical aptitude will be acquired. The same goes for, for example, empathic ability. When you lack empathic ability, then there are no free energies around you with this ability, but these energies are suppressed by patterns with the contents of, for example, only being able to perceive and understand oneself, of only being able to perceive one’s own point of view and not being able to see things from a point of view other than one’s own, of a total lack of understanding of another person’s suffering or feelings.
There are a lot of different kinds of psychic abilities. The abilities required to apply SLT, the technique described in my book are:
. The ability to perceive the subconscious mind, the matter (programmes or ‘patterns’) and the energies around man and animal and the ability to perceive the contents of patterns and energies (the problems they cause or the qualities they are responsible for). When one has the ability to perceive the subconscious mind around a person, this can immediately be done from a distance (i.e. without the person concerned is present with you).
The ability to perceive the subconscious mind includes the ability to perceive previous lives and souls.
. The ability to break down patterns. The higher the level of the soul liberator, the deeper he can work on the subconscious mind and the bigger pieces he can crush.
. The ability to simultaneously work on a number of people and on a number of issues per person.
The latter ability is rather difficult to acquire. The ability to perceive small parts of patterns in one person and to break them down, can be acquired more easily. This is also the first step of the training. A more advanced soul liberator also develops the ability to sense the inner self of a person, this means the ability to sense personality at a given moment (feelings, character, views of life), and this is different from the ability to perceive patterns and energies.
The picture below represents the psychic abilities of a soul liberator. There are two kinds of energies: the energies, represented by small dots, and the subsouls, represented by ovals (the difference between them is explained in the book).
In the following picture you can see how a soul liberator works. SLT means Soul Liberation Technique. The ‘soul liberator’ makes use of subsouls (see explanation in book) that have the ability to produce a beam of energy that can crush the matter of the patterns. The subsouls simultaneously work on a number of people and on a number of issues of the same person. The X’s represent the various issues that are worked on. The higher the level of the soul liberator, the more people can be treated simultaneously, and the more issues can be dealt with in one person, the deeper the soul liberator can work in the subconscious mind and the bigger pieces of matter can be crushed per unit of time.
The soul liberator treats one person for insomnia, setbacks, back pain, and in doing so, lots of other issues are dealt with as well. The soul liberator treats person 2 for alcoholism, person 3 for anxiety, person 4 for financial problems, person 5 for difficult relationships and depression, person 6 for egoism and person 7 for schizophrenia. And many more other issues of every person are dealt with in the process.
In the next picture the soul liberator is treating 4 different people simultaneously for bad memory, insecurity, sadness, anxiety, dyslexia, setbacks, bad breath, autism, back pain. Apart from that, several other issues in all persons are dealt with as well.
These abilities can be acquired by having distance treatment by a high level soul liberator who crushes the patterns down to very deep layers. The energies required for having psychic abilities are to be found at a great depth, and for most people it takes a long time to acquire the abilities required to apply SLT.
However, these abilities are not as suppressed in some people as they are in others, and one or more aspects of these abilities may manifest in the short term. It is then sometimes possible to continue independently immediately, although the level usually leaves much to be desired. Therefore it’s advisable to be treated by a high level soul liberator for as long as possible in order to increase the level. When a sufficiently high level has been achieved, it’s possible to continue on one’s own, without anyone else’s help, neither in this life, nor in the next (provided the abilities from previous lives are remembered), for this ability is taken along to the next life.
Apart from the distance treatment, individual sessions for learning techniques are required.