Nancy: love for animals, enjoyable relationships with people, self-discipline, self-confidence, leadership abilities, general knowledge, writing talent, musical talent.
For a correct understanding of the term ‘subsoul’ that is used in the text below, please read my book.
I love animals, I love nature
- There is an energy of love for everything alive, for nature, for flowers, for animals, of gratitude for life, of gratitude for every day, of the ability to enjoy the little things.
- A subsoul leads her to find and enjoy nice things. When she experiences an intense feeling of pleasure, she feels the pleasure of this subsoul.
I’m a good listener
- There is an energy of empathizing with others, of giving full attention to others, of being interested in others and wanting to help, of interest in others, of hearing well (not physically, but with the mind), being open-minded towards others, love for others, and concentration. (This energy combines all these qualities).
- A subsoul has control of the conversation and steers her in conversations and causes her to be intensely open to the other person and to listen and to pay attention to the other person.
I’m diplomatic
- There is an energy that has the following qualities: weighing the pros and cons, looking at things from different perspectives, trying to see all points of view, listening to the arguments, making a decision that is acceptable to all parties, conveying it gently and tactfully to someone, wanting to be gentle and impartial, being very careful when pointing out a negative quality in someone, always wanting to pep up the other person’s self-esteem, also when expressing a more negative trait of someone, not wanting to hurt anyone, delicacy, being alert to other people’s sensitivities, never leaving the other person feeling bad, wanting to make everyone feel like they are worthy of love, like they have value, like they are important.
- The subsoul responsible for this, is the same as in ‘I’m a good listener’.
Day after day, I’m grateful for the relationship with my boyfriend
- There is an energy that makes her aware of the things she has in life, that makes her appreciate the good things in life.
- There is a subsoul that perceives, that observes, that appreciates.
I can easily forgive people
- There is an energy of loving other people, of all-embracing love. Nothing is important, what happened before is just not important, we look at the way ahead.
- There is also an energy of forgiveness.
- A subsoul leads her to be understanding of others, to look at other people’s views and to forgive.
I like helping other people
- There is an energy of loving people, of love for people, of finding an enormous satisfaction in the joy of others.
- There is a subsoul of love. The love that she feels for people is the love that this subsoul feels.
I can very well empathize with other people’s situations, I’m very understanding
- There is an energy of breaking free from herself, of forgetting herself, of taking on a new identity and seeing something through the eyes of the other person (in a figurative sense), of showing understanding of others, of being able to understand their sorrow and their views.
- There is a subsoul of love, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, the ability to perceive the other person’s situation, to help them.
I’m on time for appointments
- There is an energy of having consideration for others.
- There is an energy of a sense of order, of being orderly, well-organized.
- There is a subsoul of time management.
- There is a subsoul of being able to think in an orderly way, of time control.
I’m considerate of the people around me
- There is an energy of wanting to give, of love for others, of understanding the situation of others and trying to ease it where possible, of giving unconditionally and not expecting something in return.
- There is an energy of love.
- There is a subsoul of love, of understanding of others.
- There is a subsoul of a giving, unconditional, unremitting love.
I keep my word, I stick to the law
- There is an energy of being straightforward, of honesty, integrity, consideration for other people’s feelings.
- There is a subsoul that is enormously decent, which directs her actions. She experiences this as she herself who steers things.
I have self-discipline
- There is an energy of control, of self-control. The willpower (which originates from a subsoul) uses this energy in situations that require self-discipline.
- A subsoul with the quality ‘the will’ makes use of the energy ‘control’.
I can take the lead
- There is an energy of strength, confidence, of being able to give orders that have impact on others, of leading, of providing direction, of being followed, of being obeyed, of having control over situations, of impact on others.
- There is a subsoul of strength that steers others, a knowing how to deal with things, deciding and taking steps without hesitation, knowing what she wants, knowing which way to go.
I can say ‘no’ when I need to
- There is an energy of being sure of herself, of confidence, of knowing that she has value.
- There is a subsoul of strength, of control over situations, of power over things.
I’m self-confident
- There is an energy that holds the following: confidence, I have value, I’m somebody, I’m important, I’m present, I know what I want, what I do is good, I can do it.
- The subsoul that represents ‘the will’ makes use of the energy ‘self-confidence’.
I do my work very well, I strive for perfection
- There is an energy of creation, perfection, workmanship and beauty.
- There is a subsoul of creation and beauty.
I have extensive general knowledge
- There is an energy of interest, curiosity, to be able to assume various points of view.
- There is a subsoul of assimilation of knowledge (this subsoul then possesses the knowledge), of control over the brain during the storage of information in the brain.
I’m intrigued by special things, I’m curious
- There is an energy that holds: being very curious, being drawn to special things, being excited by the unknown, being driven to adventure and exciting things. This energy makes life interesting, brings joy, adds a new dimension to life.
- A subsoul longs for new, exciting, adventurous things, wants to find new things and is not satisfied with the existing situation. This urge for adventure makes her discover new things, leads her to novelties, to unknown territories. This subsoul wants to explore, wants to find, wants to look further.
I have a talent for writing
- There is an energy of good power of expression, of being able to play with words and sentences, of being able to build up words and sentences that sound good, the ability to express oneself well.
- A subsoul guides her to choose the right words from the information about a language which is stored in the brain, guides her to choose her words and to structure her sentences. This subsoul gives her flashes of inspiration, controls her writing. When Nancy writes, it’s actually this subsoul that writes, but we perceive a subsoul as ourselves.
I have a talent for music
- There is an energy that I can’t describe, which is responsible for Nancy’s musical talent.
- A subsoul leads her with regard to music, is responsible for her musical talent.