1) The cow on the far right of the picture
She feels good, she is loving, she’s light-hearted, she likes laughing. She likes joking, she likes chasing other cows for fun, she likes teasing other cows. She’s naive, too trusting, she would easily walk into a trap. She’s not very intelligent, she doesn’t always think about things, she doesn’t reason, she only perceives. She doesn’t always understand things, she can’t think quickly. However, she’s alert, outward-looking, she notices things around her.
I don’t sense any well-developed intuition or psychic abilities, but she can communicate telepathically with her head.
The two cows next to her in the picture are her friends and they hang out together a lot. She also has other friends. She often goes and interacts with other cows and she likes talking to other cows. She talks by way of a zone in the brain, on her forehead. She can transmit an idea or a feeling through her forehead, from a location in the middle of her forehead and at 5 cm above her eyes. This idea or feeling then reaches the forehead of the other cow. The signal has to reach the forehead or the side of the head of the receiving cow in order to be picked up. When she talks to other cows, she asks, for example: ‘Have you eaten a lot, did you eat this or that plant, I crave this or that plant. And they talk about the farmer, about his mood that day, and whether or not he managed to control them. They laugh at the farmer a little, they think he’s a stupid and clumsy person. They sometimes pull his leg and then they go and walk in another direction from the one the farmer wants. Then the farmer has to chase them and then they have great fun. And afterwards, when they are in the stable together, they still have to laugh heartily about it. Her jokes and teasing often have to do with the plants in the field, but I can’t sense in detail what it is exactly.
Grazing, ruminating, being milked, the stables, the field, those are all routines to her and they don’t mean anything special. During grazing or ruminating, she doesn’t think much, she is focused on the grazing or the rumination. When she’s milked, she meanwhile talks to the other cows.
She’s great friends with the cow next to her, and also with the cow on the far left, but somewhat less. These two friends (she herself and the cow next to her) support each other in life. They graze besides one another, they talk about the daily events when they are in the stables. They are together in life, they are not alone.
Her feelings towards the cow on the far left is about the same, but they are a little less strong. They talk a lot together, but that cow sometimes goes and grazes on her own. She gets along a little less well with that cow because she’s sometimes moody and grumpy, and then the cow on the right prefers to keep away from her, until the cow on the left is in a gentler mood.
2) The middle cow
The cow on her left (the cow on the right in the picture) is her great prop and stay. Her whole world revolves around this cow. She leans on her for a great many things in life. She can’t manage on her own very well, she doesn’t know how to do things, after she has done something, she again forgets how it’s done. For example, she can’t find the right plants on her own. Then her friend helps her, shows her a place where the plants are. She never knows what to do when she has to do it on her own, she always needs advice. She can’t remember anything, so she can’t learn, she needs advice over and over again. Even if she has done something for a hundred times, even then she still doesn’t know how it has to be done. So, she always follows the other cow and she copies everything she does.
The cow is frightened, she is worrisome and like I said, her friend is her great support. She is very grateful to her friend. She is grateful for her being there and she feels much love for her. (Additional comment see *1 at the bottom of the text).
The cow stays as close as possible to her friend. She can always count on her friend, she only has to call her and he friend comes trotting along. She calls her with her brain, through a location on her forehead, 5 cm above the eyes. She only has to transmit a signal with her head asking for help and her friend comes to her aid. The cow can’t express herself very well, she can only express herself in a simple way.
Her feelings towards the cow on her right (the cow on the left in the picture) are the following. She feels equal to this cow, she feels she’s on a par with her. She finds it easy to talk to this cow. She’s also helpful and supportive to her. This cow is sometimes difficult, she is sometimes somewhat obstructive, but the middle cow doesn’t take it to heart, because it always passes. The cow on the left sometimes stays away from her for a couple of days, but then she always returns. She is sometimes moody, but the middle cow knows that this is because she sometimes feels bad. The middle cow may not very intelligent, and she may not be able to express herself well when communicating with others, but she does have empathy. She knows that the other cow sometimes has a hard time because of her psychic abilities. (Additional comment see *2 at the bottom of the text). She thinks about all kinds of things during rumination.
3) The cow on the far left of the picture
This cow is moody by nature. She often doesn’t feel good, she often feels bad, she often feels miserable. She is grumpy and sullen by nature. She feels angry inside. She feels alone in the world. She wants the best grass and the best plants for herself, and she will push another cow away when she’s grazing where she wants to graze. She is fairly egoistic, she won’t do anything for any cow, except for the two cows next to her, and the cow right next to her in particular, she feels much affection for her. The cow next to her is very kind to her, she often comes and talks to her in a friendly way about one thing and another and this always makes her feel better. She feels that she gets attention from this other cow and that the other cow feels much love for her. This makes her feel happy and then she feels less miserable and less alone in the world. But she still sometimes wants to be away from this cow, and from everyone. She sometimes can’t bear to be around anyone, but then this feeling passes and then she returns to the other cows.
She has a constant pain in her left earlobe, where the yellow label is clipped on. This constant pain makes her life even harder. She is tired, she doesn’t feel very good physically. She sometimes feels a heaviness hanging over her body, and then she can’t move very well.
Her feelings towards the cow on the right of the picture are as follows. She feels supported by her. The cow on the right is always friendly to her and she is always helpful. Her relationship with the two cows next to her makes her feel less alone, although she still feels alone. Such an intense feeling of misery and loneliness sometimes comes over her, and then she also feels depressed. Then she can’t tolerate anyone around her and she wants to be away from everyone. She also often feels sad, she just doesn’t know why. She has a vague feeling that it has to do with something from her past. When I go and look in her subconscious mind for things from the past, then I see images from previous lives in which she was slaughtered in a cruel way.
She sometimes doesn’t know what to do with herself, and then she is extremely fidgety. Then she’s moody and she cuts herself off from others. Then after a few days, she feels better again. During milking she feels very nervous, and she doesn’t want to talk with other cows. The milking brings along an inner tension and she can only think of one thing during the entire process, which is that she looks forward to the moment that it will be over. She is unable to concentrate on anything else and she is unable talk to others, until the milking is over. Going to the fields and into the stables makes her feel tense. When grazing, she only focusses on the grazing and she cuts herself off from everything outside of her. She does the same when ruminating.
She is fairly intelligent. She thinks about things, she can analyze, she has a good memory and fairly good spatial perception. She can think three-dimensionally. When she reasons, she puts an element in front of her in her mind’s eye, half a metre above her and 30 cm in front of her. Then she puts another element in that very place in front of her, etcetera. Then she makes a comparison, or she draws a conclusion in her mind. She thinks quickly. If she were a human, she would be intelligent, but she would also be someone with serious psychological problems. Just like the other two cows, she communicates through her forehead, and she expresses herself well, she is good at putting something into words. I don’t sense any psychic abilities or well-developed intuition in this cow.
Addtional comments
The fact that this cow has such a low intelligence, is the result of a negative element in her subconscious mind. If this soul were born as a human, this person would also have a low intelligence. The negative elements (or ‘patterns’) in her subconscious mind literally dictate what a certain situation will be like. So, I can find patterns in her subconscious mind that cause the cow to have a low intelligence. The subconscious mind is literally present around a human or an animal in the form of a subtle matter and there are all kinds of feelings, ideas, images, commands programmed in it. I know this is how things are because I can see the subconscious mind around a person or an animal.
Some examples of patterns of the cow related to low intelligence are:
– A pattern containing the situation of blocked thinking. The way in which the cow perceives her thinking as blocked is identical to how it is programmed in the pattern.
– A pattern containing an idea: ‘You can’t learn anything, you can’t remember anything.’
– A pattern containing an idea: ‘You don’t know how to do it on your own, you always need support and advice.’
There are dozens of patterns like this present in the cow’s subconscious mind, which all suppress her intelligence. If the cow’s soul were born in a human, the same patterns would suppress this person’s intelligence. That’s because a soul takes its subconscious mind, which is present around it, with it to its next life, whether it’s the life of an animal or of a human.
There are positive elements under the patterns, which I call ‘energies’. These energies provide intelligence. According to my views, intelligence is not the result of the brain or the genes, but of free energies in the subconscious mind, both in a human and in an animal. If the energies are suppressed by patterns, then this person or animal is not intelligent. The scientific community is looking for genes responsible for intelligence. However, they will never find those genes, because such genes don’t exist. Intelligence is not determined by the genes, but by energies in the subconscious mind. Low intelligence is not determined by the genes, but by patterns in the subconscious mind that suppress the energies responsible for intelligence. The only way to increase intelligence, is by destroying the patterns and releasing energies in the process. If the patterns were removed from the cow’s subconscious mind, then the cow would become more intelligent. For more information on my view of the subconscious mind, please read my book.
There is a positive element in the cow’s subconscious mind (an energy) that enables her to perceive an element in another person’s subconscious mind. When the cow on the left feels bad, this originates from a negative element in her subconscious mind. The contents of this negative element are the cow’s feelings, and this contents can be perceived by the middle cow. She can sense what hangs around the cow, or she can sense the feelings of the cow on the left. For more information on my view of the subconscious mind and on the cause of behaviour and psychic abilities, please read my book.