Below is an example of another kind of psychic abilities than the abilities that are needed to perform SLT. Different psychic people can have all kinds of different psychic abilities.
Rasputin is a historical example of a psychic healer. He was the Russian healer who lived in the beginning of the twentieth century (1869 – 1916) and who ended up at the imperial court and who had the crown prince’s fatal blood disease under control.
I found the following information about Rasputin on the internet:
In the years he remained within the Imperial court, witnesses, including doctors, concluded he possessed some extraordinary healing power over the Tsarevich and his deadly illness, hemophilia. Rasputin’s mysterious ability to heal Alexei convinced the Tsarina Aleksandra that Rasputin must have been sent by God himself. In her mind he was the answer to her prayers for God to save her son.
As early as 1900, Rasputin was famous throughout Eastern Russia as a sort of faith healer and strannik, or wandering holy mendicant. Rasputin also was said to have the power of precognition, predicting events that happened months later, and clairvoyance, which is the ability to see events happening elsewhere. Many claimed to have seen these abilities at work. Rasputin was also said to have a strange influence over others. People reported feeling compelled to do things while in his presence, something most sceptics attribute to some form of hypnosis.
One incident, which happened in 1907 is the best-known example. The Tsarevich had badly bruised himself and was bleeding to death. The doctors assembled to care for him pronounced that nothing could be done for the boy, who lingered in this state for a few days. When Rasputin came to the tsarevich’s bedside, he waved his hands over the boy, spoke to him briefly, then stated that he was better. And, according to the many doctors and scientific sceptics who viewed this, the boy did recover.
In October of 1912, while the Tsar and his family were at their hunting lodge in Spala, Alexei fell on the side of a bathtub. Bruising and bleeding, Alexei was in terrible pain. The doctors could do nothing for him, and Alexandra spent ten days without sleep at his bedside. A notice was drawn up announcing the death of the heir. Desperate, the Tsarina telegrammed Rasputin. “God has seen your tears,” Rasputin wired back. “Do not grieve. The Little One will not die.” Within hours of receiving this telegram, the bleeding had subsided and Alexei began to recover.
I don’t know if this information is 100% true, but it is historically known that Rasputin had a beneficial influence on the crown prince’s haemophilia. When I feel pictures of Rasputin, I do feel that he was a gifted healer with very special psychic healing abilities.
Below, I have described his psychic abilities. I can sense these abilities in the pictures, in Rasputin’s subconscious mind that has been copied in the pictures. In the second picture, the man in the middle is Rasputin.
For a correct understanding of the term ‘subsoul’ that is used in the text below, please read my book.
Being aware of events that happen elsewhere
Rasputin had subsouls that communicated with him, that informed him about things that happened elsewhere. He felt like he just knew things. He either spontaneously got impressions about things that happened elsewhere, or he got impressions when he wanted to know something or when he thought of something.
Rasputin’s subsouls had contact with other people’s subsouls. His subsouls received information about what went on elsewhere from subsouls that belonged to people who were in those other places.
Being guided in life
There’s a subsoul that guides him in his daily activities: he gets sudden impulses, he gets the feeling that he should do this or that. This subsoul leads him through life and sends him in the right direction. When he makes something his purpose or when he wants something, this subsoul will help him achieve this goal by sending him in the right direction and bringing the right things on his path. When the things he wants to achieve are not good for him, the subsoul will not help or he will get the feeling that he is being crossed. The subsoul will then try to be an inhibiting factor and will cause things to be difficult, so that he will eventually be sent in the right direction as much as possible.
Predicting the future
There’s a subsoul that knows the future and that passes on this information to him. Rasputin experiences this as knowing things.
Some people, like Rasputin, have subsouls that know the future. Clairvoyants only have to make contact with these subsouls or simply think of the question they want an answer to, in order to receive information. Sometimes, clairvoyants consciously direct their attention towards a presence, an energy that they perceive around them, which they consider to be their guide and from which they get information, or they just know things. Therefore, clairvoyants often use the expression that they ‘receive information’, whereby they think that the information comes from guides or angels or from divine channels. Lots of clairvoyants are not that good, and they sometimes get correct impressions as well as lots of incorrect ones, but there are also clairvoyants who are simply good. When psychics are good, their information comes from a subsoul that is present with them that is free of patterns and that really knows the future. If the information is wrong, it comes from a subsoul that acts on the basis of patterns that surround the subsoul. A clairvoyant who is good will simply know things and there will be no subsoul that explicitly shows itself to the psychic (a subsoul that does this, is suppressed by patterns, and such subsouls produce the phenomenon of guides and angels).
Curing diseases
Rasputin had a subsoul that passed on to him what was wrong with someone, so that he knew what was the matter with the sick person as soon as he met them. He also immediately knew what he had to do, thanks to this subsoul. Hence, he had developed a tremendous insight in the human body, without having studied the human body or medicine.
There was a second subsoul that also passed on information to him about how to take on things, so that, once again, he simply knew what to do. This subsoul had knowledge about the functioning of the body and about the chemical processes in the body. This subsoul also had an understanding of herbs and of substances that could help the body. This subsoul passed on clues to Rasputin about which products he could use. Rasputin just knew how to give medical care and he knew which remedies he could use to cure people. This subsoul also passed on to him where he could find certain herbs (for instance in which wood). Rasputin experienced this as knowing that he had to go to the wood to find a herb, and he also knew which direction to take, and he recognized the herb when he saw it. He also knew how to process and use the herbs. He automatically did everything the right way.
He worked as a healer, so he cured people, with much love, really to help and not out of pursuit of profit.
This same subsoul, along with a group of other subsouls, was capable of producing a tremendously powerful energy that worked on the sick person (the subsouls are present around the healer and they focus on the sick person).
Rasputin could also send this energy to someone from a distance, he only had to think of someone, to concentrate on this person and to want to cure him, and the energy would place itself with the sick person.
This energy gave energy to the patient, the patient felt stronger and more energetic, felt strengthened. This energy had the capacity of warmth (literally, physical warmth), and this warmth had an influence on the cells in the patient’s body. A certain energy that is present in the cells – the existence of which may possibly not yet have been discovered by science – was replenished as a result. The cells need this energy to function well. This energy is the fuel that makes the cells function, the motor behind the processes that take place in the cell. When there is an abundant presence of this energy in the cell, the chemical processes happen faster and the body can cure faster. This way, the cells are provided with new fuel to perform chemical processes.
Rasputin had yet another subsoul at his disposal that had knowledge of the body and of the chemical processes and chemical substances in the body, down to the smallest detail. This subsoul could produce any possible chemical substance by itself, and it could add substances to the body of the sick person on a cellular level and it could start whatever chemical process on a cellular level and it could interfere in every on-going chemical process, by adding chemical substances and energy to the cell.
Rasputin really had exceptional gifts, and I couldn’t be anything but impressed by them when I was sensing the pictures.
Rasputin also had energies that made a person stronger and more energetic and that helped in the healing process. This is another energy than the energies I already described, which originated from the subsouls. These were energies that nourished the entire body of the sick people, which made them stronger, these energies furthered the healing process.
Rasputin had yet another energy at his disposal that nourished the cells of the body, still in a different way than what I described before: an energy that supported the cells, that strengthened the cells, that gave vitality to the cells.
Being able to impose his will on people
Rasputin had an energy of exuding authority, which made people feel like he was a very powerful and overwhelming personality. He had an energy that closed itself around people and that made them like clay in his hands, and that made them do everything he wanted. They felt like he was their master and that they had to obey him. Suddenly, they were willing to do what Rasputin wanted. All resistance was gone and they saw the logic and the rightness of what Rasputin wanted.
They cooperated as long as this energy was active and this energy was active as long as Rasputin kept his mind on his goal.
There were also subsouls that placed themselves on people and that made them feel like they had to obey Rasputin. This happened automatically as soon as Rasputin wanted something.
Rasputin himself didn’t know what caused these situations, he simply noticed that people willingly cooperated whenever he wanted something. He thought there was a divine power that paved the way for him.
This energy only came into action if the goal to be achieved was good for the common cause. For example, when Rasputin wanted a group of poor people to be helped, then some well-off people would very willingly open their purse strings, while they would not have done so without the help of Rasputin’s energies and subsouls. When Rasputin wanted something that only benefited himself, then the energies wouldn’t come into action. Only if what he wanted, benefited others as well, the energy would come into action.
Other characteristics
Rasputin was a very loving and energetic person. There were lots of energies around him that held the quality ‘love’.
He was very understanding of others. He had compassion for others and he wanted to help. He was very devout. He lived for his fellow man and he had everyone’s best interest at heart. He was there for others and others could always count on him. He prayed much for the healing of others, and he didn’t realize that at that moment both his subsouls, which I have described earlier, and his own energies of love and power worked on the sick person.
He attributed the results to his prayer. He believed that there was some divine power beyond him that brought about the recovery.
He would have travelled anywhere where he believed God sent him to help and cure people. He felt like he was led to places where help was needed, he thought this guidance came from God, although he was actually guided by his own subsouls.
He was not very intelligent and most likely, he will not have been very good at understanding all kinds of things, but he had subsouls that gave him knowledge about the body. That’s why he had a great understanding of the human body without being very intelligent.
He was slow in thinking, he had difficulty thinking and reasoning. There were many things that he couldn’t understand and he couldn’t understand complicated things.
He had the will to help, he immediately sensed when something was the matter with someone, when someone had a problem, he was alert to these kinds of things. When someone had a difficult time, in whatever way, he was there and ready to help. He also sensed from a distance when something was the matter, and then he went to where he thought the problems were.
He sensed when there was a problem somewhere, like he smelled it, so to speak. This was because his energies were able to register other people’s situations (also from a distance), and they would then make him aware of it. Apart from that, there was another subsoul that passed on to him that there was a problem somewhere.
He knew what others thought of him, he knew if people liked him or not (in spite of appearances to the contrary). He sensed almost every mood of the other person, he always knew what was going on inside other people’s minds. This was due to his energies and subsouls that perceived this.
He was an enthralling storyteller, he could hold his audience spellbound. He could have people hang on his every word, for hours on end. He could fill people with enthusiasm. People felt safe and secure with him and felt that everything would be all right.
He had an enormous endurance for physical pain. He could bear more physical pain than anybody else. He had an energy that gave him this strength. When things got too bad, energies of his that soothed the pain and that added strength to his body, came into action.
He had an enormous stamina for physical exertion due to yet another energy. He had energies of mental strength, of a tremendous will power. He had a very great strength of will to achieve something.
He was very courageous and persevering, he had an extraordinary mental power to keep going, a mental power that was so strong that, in extreme circumstances, it could take over control over his body. For example, when he was physically worn out, his mental powers could still force his body to keep going.
He always had great plans and he persevered until he had reached his goal.
There were rumours about him from the time he was alive that he had sex with female followers, of sexual orgies and drinking. I can feel in the pictures that this was indeed true and that Rasputin did so because he believed that if you could completely surrender to drinking and sex and let go of all inhibitions, so if you ended up in a spiritual state of mind of complete debauchery, your soul could transcend all sin. You could no longer be tempted by sin, and you could awaken from the event as a redeemed, purified soul.